New Cell!

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I’m still glad I gave up my cell years ago… I don’t miss it at all, and it’s nice to be ‘out of touch’ once in a while… If something important does come up, and no one knows where I am, chances are I could not have done anything about it anyway…

but by all means, cell away!**

I agree with you Rev. I hate cell phones. The only reason I have one is…

  1. My sisters were going to get a family plan between them 2 and since…

a) I work so far away

b) I take the bus to/from work

… we thought it would be better if all 3 of us went in on the family plan.

Here is mine :cap:

I have the nokia 6610 but now that i think of it, i really want to get the samsung a601 or the e700 :wink:

i got a bleeding T720. i only had it for 2 months and the antenna split in two useless plastic piece of garbage… what idiot whould make somthing as a cell phone out of plastic? my cat loves the bloody thing! he thorws it around everytime i put it onthe table! but it ain’t like i am in the banks of putting 500 dollars to cut my contract. i’m just happy i can make calls

*Originally posted by BadMagick *
**This is my phone :upset:


That’s my phone too. The exact copy. same colors. except for that “D” on the top-left of the screen (what’s that?) and for the time format (i don’t use am-pm…)

But my next cell MUST be this
For videocalls with “3”

Samsung S500, just bought it yesterday! nice and simple design :slight_smile: :beer:
i love flip phones :thumb:

Check out mine:



Or get more info on it HERE

Or check out a turning demo thing HERE.


Polling -
That D is “digital” signal. Tells you when your phone’s working :slight_smile:

I took a picture with my flames on the back faceplate, perhaps I’ll post it when I get the chance

Thats my one :love:
small, light, inconspicuous.
I don’t need a gaming mashine, just something to contact people, for example when I go out.

I didn’t really buy mine new either, coz it still costs around €549 over here, and it would be crazy to pay so much for it. Instead, it bought it off my brother for € 100, what is about 100 $ I guess :smiley:

Lucky me :stuck_out_tongue:

pixel sense :love: I serzly should not have got the 6610 now that i think of it. I also like the lg G7100 :thumb:


Honnestly, people with their goddamm cellphones :smiley:

I hate them, my theory is:

If am not at home, then I am out doing something, why call me?

because its fun. :slight_smile:
^^^ mobile blog. :slight_smile:

here’s mine

mine is silver