New Cell!

it was 149. Plus 200$ deposit (get back at the end of the year) because I have no credit.
So in total it was 370 something (tax)

I got 30$/month contract. but my first will be 70 odd because of activation fee.

I hope to try to show my parents that I can do this, and can have some responsobility. :slight_smile:

Looks hot :slight_smile: very expensive for a cell phone though.

not really.
it was the chepeast of the color phones. i wanted a color phone, im not going back to 2 color phones. no fing way. lol

I love it. its the greatest. free calls for 4 months + free picture messaging for 1 month :smiley:


Nice Cell I Like It

Here Is my Cell Phone

This is my phone :upset:

I did just recently put some silver flames on the back of the faceplate. I guess itā€™d be the buttplate? I dunno, but it looks pretty awesome

I threw it in my pocket before it was dry, and got the paint all over my ID card :-/

Here is mine. It originally costs 150, but ended up being free with a 1 year or 2 year contract :slight_smile:

Surprisingly, it still works. I have dropped it on pavement, non-carpeted floor, down the stairs, etc. numerous times.

I donā€™t own a cell, but I asked to use my g/fā€™s while we were meeting up with the African Contingent, and wanted to make connections with Marin, our destinationā€¦

evidently, the hand lotion she uses takes off all the numbers, so I was guessing at what button was ā€œsendā€ and which number was what (it only has 4 number buttons, you push on the left edge of top button for 1)ā€¦

Iā€™m still glad I gave up my cell years agoā€¦ I donā€™t miss it at all, and itā€™s nice to be ā€˜out of touchā€™ once in a whileā€¦ If something important does come up, and no one knows where I am, chances are I could not have done anything about it anywayā€¦

but by all means, cell away!



itā€™s a piece of hi-tech crap :thumb:

is your screen really in english, or is it danish?


itā€™s in english :slight_smile:

I hate it in Danishā€¦ I understand English better than danish :slight_smile:

how funny


yup :slight_smile:

ha ha haā€¦ And I thought I was boredā€¦

Nice phone
I used to have a Motorola T720 which kinda sucked but then it got stolen so now I have some basic black and white LG flip phone. Doesnā€™t matter though, it makes callsā€¦ and thatā€™s what phones are generally for.

my baby :love:

:love: :love: :love:


Hows this for a bummer, I had a phone that I left on the roof of the car as I drove off.
Well by the time I realised and got back it was nowhere to be seen.

But if that is not bad enough, I had $50AU tucked into the leather case incase I ever lost my wallet or somethingā€¦

So not only did they get a phone that was locked and they couldnā€™t use, but they got my dam $50 bucks !

wowā€¦talk about shit happening :stuck_out_tongue:

My Phone:


i got the same cell as bull dog :smiley: