So I just got a new cellphone. Mine old one was about 3yrs old and when I took it in for the new one… it was so old that they couldn’t even transfer the phone book. So after 1 1/2hrs or so of redoing my phone book I, decided to play w/ the ringtones. On this phone the bleepin ringers suck big bawls, so I decide to goto 3gupload. Now back in the day you had to pay $10 / yr and got unlimited ringer d/ls… apparently that’s not the case now. At least not if you want a polyphonic one. Bleh what a disappointment.
However, I did find a nifty little internet tool that does allow me to put my own mp3/mp4 ringtones on my phone… free of charge… SCORE. So… anyway… bad 3guploads for having me go through all that hassle.
Yea… that’s it just a rant.