New Chat for the Forums!

That is really cool, no one was in it when I checked it out, but its neat! :smiley:

aaaā€¦ soā€¦ tiredā€¦ cantā€¦ doā€¦ moreā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

nah, i just got 2 projects running that need to be done this monthā€¦ so ill be buzyā€¦ but ill see what i can do when i got spare timeā€¦

[edit: Holy crap, its 6.00 am, its getting light againā€¦ !]

i like the headerā€¦ escpecially the light version that porpous2 was working onā€¦and the new footer yet to be placedā€¦ props to yallā€¦ Oh and porpous2ā€¦ i did it againā€¦ 24 hours with no sleepā€¦ but at least i have cable nowā€¦ Yeah!!!

last time it was 48, 24 to go! *omgā€¦ you really really are gonna die in school cause you will have no sleepā€¦ did your roomate get the flat screen tv? :cubs:

creating my third and maybe last style (with a chat) for awhile. Its going to be dark, cause i have a light one (light by porpous), a medium/middle one (grunge by porpous), and im creating a dark one (undead by porpous).

for those who are interested, some statistics on the chat

| Total: 69.37 Mb
| Send: 56.54 Mb

Recieve: 12.84 Mb
Connections: 7,590
Joins: 7,548
Messages: 5,596

let me explain what the stats are:

Total = total mbā€™s being sended and recieved from the server

Send = total mbā€™s being send to clients, this includes the userlists, and chat messages ofcourse

Recieve = total mbā€™s being send to the server, from clients, these are join requests and the messages itself.

Connections = Total pplz that just connected to the server.

Joins = after connecting to the server, flash sends an join request, these are the total requests being made (succesfull), this goes close with the connections, but if a guy browses very quick, it doz connect, but doznā€™t give flash the time to send a join request, thats why these 2 are different.

Messages = yes yes, more then 5.596 messages have gone through that little box :smiley:

this is in just 10 days pplzā€¦ ! :smiley: (there goes my trafficā€¦ still 48 gb left :(:()
edit: 0.0064 messages a second

hehe yeah. Im creating one last style with the chat( i might do more , but for now im styled outā€¦) its a darker, very very cool one. I just finished it, i sent it to kirupa. You guys that love dark styles will love this.