haha that would rule! you also can make away messages
earase your username and create a new one… such as graphicslash (away)
as it is, it’s not secure - and there’s no way to authenticate who is who - this is opening the door to trouble in my opinion…many a chat program has surfaced and so far IRC is the most effective.
if it can’t be tied in to the main database with kirupa’s persmission and quite frankly i don’t know if i like the idea of a forum user’s software accessing the database with my password in it…
it’s a great idea, but more thought needs to be put into this again in my opinion before it starts rolling out mainstream.
prstudio, we had it so it detected the username from a code that kirupa added… but it just stopped working… so after a day of trying to figrure it out we had to start it like this. we could put an Ip finder tool i guess… and no ones lied yet.
edit… and we didnt really go in the database, if you look at the code for the main page it says welcome (and then your username) well kiruap can create codes that make it so it finds out your username, and he put that in a certain section that our thing read… so it dosent go into all the important stuff.
ok now that sounds like planning - ive had an “attention to details” day at work - and i was like…wait a minute lol…sounds like it was a session issue with the username recognition?
no clue what the heck you just said… talk to Rvgate… hes the coder… hes hosting the chat on his site… maybe thats the problem, it cant get from his site and read the code from kirupa.
Prstudio did you try the chat out? And what do you mean by your solution?
After some problems with auto-login after you have entered your username, i thought i would look in the code to see if i could find something…
turnes out that i forgot to add an expiire date to the cookies kinda stupid, but hey, it workes now !
yeah so everyone using Grunge by Porpous. Re enter your username so that you wont have to re enter it again…
new upgrade!!! the thing is now on the top, and the footer is changed ( i know its not that cool (the footer) but it has a much smaller file size so the other chat can fit.
me being the graphics designer… screwed the code up… rvgate fixed it. Sorry guys!
ooo this way is much better :thumb:
Yes, I like the header based chat more!
thanks guys, im adding a reset button so you can reset your username. Will be coming soon!
doesn’t seem to work…
its not up yet…
sounds soon to be added too!
edit: sounds added.
Well sounds awesome!!! I just want to know how many days did you code those program? Its realy nice.
All I can say is its flash based and at the same time has a forums and just want to know how many days you code those program?
So uh how does one turn the noise making machine off
well i think rvgates really gone out on this chat. He seems to need a break :)… so maybe he could do that later, but probubly not. Ill ask him. and dino, you pmed me that same message twice. I responded.