Hey, I know how to tint a MC white, but how would I set it back to its original coloring [if its an image inside a movieclip]?
[AS] myColor = new Color(myMovie);
Hey, I know how to tint a MC white, but how would I set it back to its original coloring [if its an image inside a movieclip]?
[AS] myColor = new Color(myMovie);
You could use the Color.setTransform method instead of Color.setRGB.
Here’s a quick example:
[AS]var myColor = new Color(myMovieClip);
// change color
// restore color
Thanks so much kax, you save me once again :stunned:
You’re welcome.
you might also want to check out the color object thread in best of senocular over in the actionscript for… Ill just post the link
best of sen
direct link to the color object thread mentioned
Cool, thanks sen… I happend to have read that on macromedia support today lol
erm… I don’t exactly get the colorTransformObject parameter’s, how does it compose hex? For example I want to make 0xFFFFFF?
hex is in the form of 0xRRGGBB
0-FF is 256 values giving you 256 values (0-255) of either red green and/or blue.
0x000000 is black
0xFF0000 is 255 red
0x0000FF is 255 blue
Sorry!! I read your tutorial on actionscript.org and hell it cleared alot for me… I did properties and 255’d each color to get white, thanks!
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