New flash error (to me at least)

256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list.
This is probably an infinite loop.
Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie.

I just got this is the console window in a flash movie, i am curren;t coding an uploader that submits some info to MySQL when it is finished, never seen this before. Any ideas would be appreciated.

function uploader() {
    leftbar.uploader.ok._visible = true;
    var file_fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
    var list_obj:Object = new Object();
    list_obj.onSelect = function() {
        leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text =;
        _global.filename =
    list_obj.onComplete = function(fileRef) {
        leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "Adding to Database";
        var addImage:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
        addImage.action = addImage;
        addImage.nametext = leftbar.uploader.nameinput.text;
        addImage.descriptiontext = _global.uploaddescription;
        addImage.path = _global.filename
        addImage.sendAndLoad(_global.url+"list.php?ck="+randRange(0, 1000), addImage, "POST");
        addImage.onLoad = function() {
            leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "All Done";
            leftbar.uploader.ok.enabled = true;
    list_obj.onProgress = function(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void  {
        var percent = Math.floor(bytesLoaded/bytesTotal*100);
        leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = percent+"% Uploaded";
    list_obj.onCancel = function() {
        leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "Cancel was selected";
    list_obj.onIOError = function(fileRef) {
        leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "IO error with ";
    list_obj.onSecurityError = function(fileRef, error) {
        leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "Security error with "":"+error;
    list_obj.onHTTPError = function(fileRef:FileReference, error:Number) {
        leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text += "HTTP error: with "":error #"+error;
    leftbar.uploader.ok.onPress = function() {
        _global.uploaddescription = leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text;
        leftbar.uploader.ok.enabled = false;
        file_fr.browse([{description:"Images", extension:"*.JPG;*.jpg,*.GIF,*.gif,*.PNG,*.png"}]);