256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list.
This is probably an infinite loop.
Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie.
I just got this is the console window in a flash movie, i am curren;t coding an uploader that submits some info to MySQL when it is finished, never seen this before. Any ideas would be appreciated.
function uploader() {
leftbar.uploader.ok._visible = true;
var file_fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
var list_obj:Object = new Object();
list_obj.onSelect = function() {
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = file_fr.name;
_global.filename = fileRef.name
list_obj.onComplete = function(fileRef) {
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "Adding to Database";
var addImage:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
addImage.action = addImage;
addImage.nametext = leftbar.uploader.nameinput.text;
addImage.descriptiontext = _global.uploaddescription;
addImage.path = _global.filename
addImage.sendAndLoad(_global.url+"list.php?ck="+randRange(0, 1000), addImage, "POST");
addImage.onLoad = function() {
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "All Done";
leftbar.uploader.ok.enabled = true;
list_obj.onProgress = function(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void {
var percent = Math.floor(bytesLoaded/bytesTotal*100);
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = percent+"% Uploaded";
list_obj.onCancel = function() {
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "Cancel was selected";
list_obj.onIOError = function(fileRef) {
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "IO error with "+fileRef.name;
list_obj.onSecurityError = function(fileRef, error) {
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text = "Security error with "+fileRef.name+":"+error;
list_obj.onHTTPError = function(fileRef:FileReference, error:Number) {
leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text += "HTTP error: with "+fileRef.name+":error #"+error;
leftbar.uploader.ok.onPress = function() {
_global.uploaddescription = leftbar.uploader.descriptioninput.text;
leftbar.uploader.ok.enabled = false;
file_fr.browse([{description:"Images", extension:"*.JPG;*.jpg,*.GIF,*.gif,*.PNG,*.png"}]);