New Footer

Well i was tired but couldnt’ sleep and it is 4:00am so i made a new footer to put me to sleep. It wokred:sleep: so now i’m off to bed. what do ya think?

I based it off of this pic.

made an avater to match.

neat… is that your face ??? =) !!!

nice one

lol! Very good idea!

Very good :slight_smile:

Very nice. I like it.

ohh, i like the colors. nice footer/avatar :slight_smile:

i like that too! nice job on the photo too. altholugh i just edont really like the font :-\ how did you do the guassian blur thing?

mlk: Yep my face

midpi: Thanks. It is just a mask. ya the font looks better in the original but i wanted to keep it mathcing so i had to use it.

Everyone: thanks for the comments :). I’d seen this effect before, most recently on a site blackpulp did and i had to see if i could do somehting similer. OF course his is way more advanced then mine. so props to him.:thumb:

I like it a lot, but why not add some interaction? For example, make the mask move towards/away from the mouse.

mdipi: attached is an example of how i’m guessing sintax achieved the effect in his footer. (All you’d have to do is replace the vector lines with images). I also added some spiffy random code, just for added effect.

ok cool, i will take a look in the morning when i can get flash

I think it’s cool, it would be good if the blurring mask was controlled by the mouse!