First of all I am not sure if this is the right place. So mods please move it to the right forum incase I have errored.
I am starting a new forum for graphics designers and aspirants!
The purpose of this forum is to provide advice and guidance for newbies and professionals. As of now its pretty basic stuff and very simple but if it flourishes well then maybe Ill purchase a dedicated server and launce it full-fledged.
The idea behind the forum is to help designers in the print and web industry to learn and maintain standards. Off late there is a lot of degradation in quality inspite of increasing talent due to lack of awareness. I hope this forum address this issue by providing advice and help. This forum is not meant or created to spoon-feed people but help them grow into ideal designers who are a cut above the rest. The forum is currently on a free server enjoying free services. So there are a number of limitations. I hope by joining this forum you can join me in making this community a better place in the future. We have a lot of forums on the web but I am looking this to be different and a trend setter.
Please join and help me to fulfill this dream. The link is Its absolutely free and there are no conditions accept your desire to improve and help others improve. The official launch date for this forum is 14th of March but you can join now and post topics. The launch date is to allow me time to selects mods as well as adjust the setting as I am still new to this environment. Suggestions are welcomed.