New Game, and Questions

I’m fairly new to flash. I haven’t made that many flash things. But I want to create a game. The game idea is sort of like the classic game Pong. But, you will be going agianst your self. The Paddle/Bat will be on the bottom of the screen and will be controled by the mouse. Say you want to go left, you move the mouse left, etc. The game will start with the ball on the pad then u have to click to start, and the ball will fly up to the top of the screen and bounce around and come back down. Also I would like to add bubbles u have to pop to get to the next level, and have a score counter etc. I was also thinking of having certin power-ups that effect the ball and paddle.

But as I said before, I’m pretty new to flash and actionscript so this is going to be challenging(to me anyways). So I was wondering if any of you would like to help me with some of the coding and such. Much like a joint project between the two of us. Also any tips to sites with tuts for certin codes I will need to make this would be helpful.

Thanks :thumb:
