New Game

//stop on current frame
//ball follows mouse
ball1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickEnter);
function clickEnter(eventObj:MouseEvent):void {

function follow(evt:Event){
var xMouse:Number = root.stage.mouseX;
var yMouse:Number = root.stage.mouseY;
var xH:Number = ball1.x
var yH:Number = ball1.y
if(Math.abs(xMouse - xH)<1){
ball1.x = xMouse;
ball1.y = yMouse;
} else {
ball1.x -= (ball1.x-xMouse) / 5;
ball1.y -= (ball1.y-yMouse) / 5;}
//pixels spawn around outside the screen
//make new array
var particles=new Array();
// add a listener that activates every frame
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
//explain the loop function
function loop(e:Event) {
//make new enemy
var p = new Pixel();
//add a new pixel onto the list
//position the new pixel around the screen
//position the new pixel outside the screen
//pixel speed properties
//add object

for (var count=0; count&lt;particles.length; count=count+1) {
	// update the current object based on its own speed
	// the square brackets are used to tell the array which object we want.

	// if the count variable is current set to 1, we're saying we want to access the object stored at particles[1]
	// reduce the objects yspeed to simulate gravity
	// we need to delete the particle if it has gone off the screen
	// check if the particle is off screen
	if (particles[count].y&gt;410) {
		//remove this particle from the screen
		// delete this object from the list
		particles.splice(count, 1); // splie means delete. count indicates where to start deleting and the 1 means we only want to delete 1 thing
		// finally, to avoid any errors, we reduce our count by 1 to match the object we just deleted
} // this ends the for loop


So far this is my action script…
What I am trying to achieve is to make my ball get larger each time it collects a particle (Pixel). I am still new to as3 and would really appreciate the help with it.
I understand I need to apply a hit test but from there I dont really know. Thanks in advance:)