Hey peoplez. I know this thread is probably in the wrong place but I just wanted to get peoples ideas and opinions on the game im making. Not much has been done yet, just workin out the bugs first. Tell us what you think of it.
Coming on good! I like the controlling!
This is a game ive done about motorbikes, not cars…
Oh, didnt see the ask 4 improvments.
Im not sure how youre boundarys are working but more definate collisions.
I know this has nowt to do with this but skinny can u do me a sig like yours
I think i got a couple of flas exactly like this from a different thread.
Thanks, i was just wondering because I looked all over flashkit because I was told there was a tut. written there and I couldn’t find it. Thanks for the link though, I’ll keep it for future refence. Also I never said I had wrote the code I got it off another flash site.