New guy requesting help

So hey, I’m Walker, the new guy who has joined, and I’m looking for some help with flash / flash website / flash preloaders.

I apologise if a topic like this has already been posted some where, but I’m in a rush, allow to explain my situation.

I am currently at college and on a live web design project, we have all done work on websites, and out client has picked one persons style, which we are all working on together now as a team. The team leader (the student whose site has been selected) has choosen to have a flash website and a non flash version. I have been tasked with creating a preloader. I have already read through the tutorial on loading an external image and making a preloader, that displays before the image when running the simulate download.

My problem is, I have no idea how I would incorporate this into a flash website, and I don’t even know how to make a flash website, and make everything work. I am willing to mess around and experiment to create the effects I need, but I was wondering if there are any good tutorials that explain how to incorporate the preloader into a flash website, how to create flash web sites, and how to create a variety of effects like images that fade in ect after the perloader has “loaded”

If you could also direct to some material from which I could learn the action script code stuff too, if you hadn’t guessed already, I’m a big noob on this stuff, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I thank you in advance, first of all for the tutorials I have read, which were simple and easy to understand, and for any help you could provide for me :slight_smile:


The easiest way to insert a preloader is to insert a new frame at the start of your site/movie/game/whatever with the preloader on that.
remember to place a stop() command on that frame.
Also place a play() command in an event listener function that listens for an EVENT.COMPLETE event.

Flash AS2 still works for me, simple way to put preloader for your flash movie.
See here, Flash Animation

I have made most of the site following a tutorial, and improvising in parts, obviously this has created some errors and bugs as I have had to further improvise in an attempt to make things work.

In one such situation I have crashed to bits of code together, some code from the kirupa tutorial on laoding an external image, and a section of code from the kirupa pre loader tut which loads the same image. This doesn’t work, which I can image is pretty obvious seeing as each tutorial would use different propertie names etc.

To be completely honest, I have absoloutely no knowledge of flash what so ever, infact we only started working on flash animations about a month ago, and now I’m trying to create a flash website, which has to be done by friday the 27th. Its a huge jump to make from basic animation to full on working flash website. I don’t know any action script apart from what I’ve seen in the tutorials. I don’t know how these play () and stop () commands work, or what an even listener is…

The website I have created so far, just plays through continuously like a movie, as I have no idea how to stop it from doing anything unless a link is clicked. sigh:asleep:

There are places to find loads of help with CSS, HTML and java ect, why is there no place like this for action script, where do you learn it?

Okay, first of all, apologies for wasting all of your time and apologies for the double post thats right here :s

So finaly, I have to site working basicly, the links work and stuff, all thats left to do is animate the page when links are clicked etc and add a pre loader to it :slight_smile: thanks for the help you gave any way, it was of some use to me.

thats that, hopefully you’ll never hear from me again… unless I become I top master in flash some time in the future :smiley:

Laters, I might check back here every now and again for a few tips, information, and maybe make some contribution of my own if possible :slight_smile: