I went to the Web Host store. Look who was on the box of Media Temple.
LOL! yeah i got a box of those too! they are great for growning minds!
Lol sintax…
wow, I rememer Lost and I was talking about this over AIM and now it’s actually happening. Congrats Kirupa, you’re very lucky. =)
h nice to see you back and almost at full speed again!
Elec, when is lost EVER on anymore? i NEVER see him…
Thanks mdipi, good to be back. =)
As for Lost, he’s very elusive so don’t bother looking for him, he’ll come to you when he feels like coming out of the shadows. ahhah
I haven’t been online past few days so I havne’t talked to him either, but I’m sure he’ll come across this thread and notice your concerns. =)
Yes… hiding in the shadows is what I do best… mwwwaahaahahhahaha :run:
speak of the devil, there he is. hahaha
lol , lost its still lostinbeta in |337 right?
I dunno, ask bcogswell (now know as Someone Leet)…lol.
specially in such a great ocasion… =)
lost, 85hundred! wow! but what is it hten, its spelled really wierd…though…,.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I dunno, ask bcogswell (now know as Someone Leet)…lol. **
He’s back as bcogswell!!
LOL, that’s a great pic there sintax. :bounce:
Since when?!?! He was just changed to Someone Leet by Kirupa not too long ago.
Possibly L0571//8374 … I don’t speak leet though, so this could be 100% wrong for all I know.
*Originally posted by h88 *
**He’s back as bcogswell!! **
he is? cool! bgcogswell is way cooler than someoneleet
yeah i just checked and he is! sweet i love that name so much more!
That would be funny if there was someone with the name someone noob…[SIZE=1]ok, not that funny…[/SIZE]
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**That would be funny if there was someone with the name someone noob…[SIZE=1]ok, not that funny…[/SIZE]**
that is funny
and yeah, it would be cool =)