New Kirupa tutorials?!

I’ve noticed that there haven’t been too many new Flash MX 2004 tutorials for the main site lately. Maybe we should start compiling some? A lot of questions are being repeated on the forums. I’ll try to put some together if I can, but do your part and post suggestions for general tutorials, so the more experienced of us can get on it.


any short tutorial on cool effects are always useful.

That was really usefull now… what’s a “cool effect” for you?

@Disco: if you would compile a FAQ from the latest topics, as I’m not around that much lately, I’ll see what I can come up with…

Sounds good. Eyezberg, would you like me to PM them to you when I’m done? I’m going to write a couple based on some thigns I’ve answered lately. Might be done tommorrow.

i agree with eze

And I agree with eyez . . .

@all: it might be useful to put a list here of tutes/potential tutes/FAQs that a tute would be good for so that those who wish to write a tute could choose and make a public claim, to avoid duplication (though it’s always good to know a couple ways of doing something!). :hr:

Where do we send our tutorials if we want them to be on the main site cause I’ve got a few

yea kirupa probably should accept our tutorials and if he/she/it (:P) think of them good then to put on the main site…

actually i think its impossible to answer to the question ‘whats a “cool effect” for you’ …

i’ in the middle of writing CMS tutorials for dreamweaver, sorry can’t think of any good ones for flash (these guys are better then me with flash).

I’m gonna go ahead and thank you bigtime in advance for this one!

See it alot. The only rollover tut on here I think is the depricated tellTarget one. Maybe make some with buttons calling mc’s for rollover effects, and using mc’s as buttons. If I get some time I’ll throw down.

This is the sticky for submitting tutorials for MX - I can’t imagine the process is much different for MX2004 . . .


whats so sticky there??

lol. sticky is an anchored thread at the top of the forum it is in.

And I’d agree, a spot to propose / claim tutorials should be made. So far, I think these might be worth working on:

  1. COMPLETE GUIDE to movie and external data loading

  2. A working tutorial for an MX 2004 preloader (internal and external should be covered)

  3. onRollOver / onRollOut explanations with moving MC’s

  4. Nav menu’s (maybe combine with above idea)

  5. A general building and debugging tutorial (how to work through your code, and search through it and check movie clip paths) This could fix the 3-4 questions a day dealing with people forgetting that a _root command in a loaded MC actually references the movie that is loading it.

  6. the dynamic text guide (to embedding, to loading, to tweening)

Some of these could be done by updating some non-working / tweakable MX tutorials for MX 2004.

Also, maybe for tutorials that work in MX2004, but are in the MX section, we could make a little “works with 2004” tag? And stick it in the 2004 section?

Just ideas.

a quick one (2):
draw a rectangle, select only fill convert to mc, put registration point at the left side, actions on it:


should work :wink:

uudens, thanks for that, but I’m referring to making a kirupa tutorial…

And that is just A WAY of making a pre-loader. I’d prefer to make a tutorial on the conept of making one. Maybe explain why and how things work, so people can create original loaders.

lol ya sig effect would be nice disco-stu, thats if its not a military secret effect :expressionless:

Its not very secret… It’s pretty simple actually. Lots of repetition. :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll post an FLA soon.

I think a tutorial on a glint effect would be cool just under special effects ive seens ome people ask how to do it. Just like where a obejct gets shined over.