New member wanted to say hi...!

Yeha unfortunately if I did the copy paste syndrom in some of my code… They would run like two snails chasing a turtle…

But anyways… Welcome Marcus… I think you’ll enjoy your stay you just “HOLY CRAP… FLYING TROUT COMING AT YOUR 9!” jumps and pushes marcus out of the way and gets hit by the trout

Ugh… The bums… whips out his fabled flounder flapper

Come on punks… :slight_smile:

Anyways… I’ve studied HTML, DHTML, VRML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, and numerous other web languages… So if you need any help… Be sure to ask…

Later bud and have fun.

great speach phill… it brought tears to my eyes:*( :trout:

Philbo, you said that 2 posts up, 4 months ago…

back away from the bowl…



yeah Philbert… ya gotta stop smokin so much… its warpin your mind. :crazy:

hello! and welcome to kirupa. =)

*Originally posted by Alex *

i have enough money to get Macromedia flash. i going to go get it tonight!!! wahooooo:geek: **

COOL! And how exactly did you make your site if you didn’t own it? :stuck_out_tongue:


welcome m8…

hope u always have a good one when you come here…

I consider myself knowledgable in HTML, CSS, Javascript, some basic DHTML, and I just recently started learning PHP.

he he…

lost 4 got to mention he’s a shark at actionscript as well…

enjoy your new found family and the knowledge, help, phunnies and good times they give and share…

Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

Hope you enjoy your stay. We provide free cardboard boxes and soup… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey markus! Welcome to the forums - I hope you have a great time here :slight_smile: Don’t let some of the members scare you…

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

what a nice place…:love:

even after two months markus is greeted as if he was new here…:love:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: