Hello all :)


been lurking here for a couple of weeks after being recomended this as a good place to pick up some flash knowledge. learnt loads just from reading the forums so i thought i’d do the honorable thing and register:)

/me is a graphic designer by day and an amateur scripter at night, been working with flash for a while but really only scratching the surface (no scripting etc). Apologies in advance for all the stupid questions i will surely ask! :stuck_out_tongue:


hehe, no problem!


Oh… we have to apologize for our stupid questions???

Then I have tons of apologies to make!:beam:

Just kiding… Welcome man (I think)!:slight_smile:

Welcome dude,

Dont worry about stupid questions. If you ask a stupid question about actionscript, you will most likely get a complicated answer :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe, forgot to say…[SIZE=10]WELCOME[/SIZE]…m8

Yeah welcome man! Enjoy your stay here at kirupaforums!:stuck_out_tongue:

w00t kirupaforum is growing so much!


Welcome to the board. I hope you enjoy it here.

Hey Phil, keep in mind that I didn’t vote you out of the human race…

But then again… I never voted you in either :evil:

HAHA, j/k

hey, thanks for the warm welcome guys:)


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again
“the only stupid question, is the one unasked.”

Welcome to Kirupa sir.