Hey guys take a look at these two screenshots and tell me which suits you more. I am having difficulty deciding which to choose what to rework etc…
The first one by far. Tho they both seem to have some issues IMO.
I was expecting some more comments on it…
First one.
You need to rework your typography however.
sekasi, which do you think is better to go with … I am not feeling the comments. I am so confused as to which to chose the blue one has interactive features and the white one plain and old… and it needs to be more attractive
Well, it’s sort of a choice between fairly decent, but a little old-school (1) and pretty poor, but sort of “new” (2). I’d definitely go for #1 - but make sure you spruce up a few things, especially the typography like Sekasi mentioned.
#1 even though some may say it isn’t web 2.0ish(IMO its a lame term)
a- Because it has more opportunities for the viewer to see more news articles to choose from
b- it has plenty of useful white space which makes each element on the page stand out and have it own niche
c- NOT understanding your main nav; ok placement for the page but it doesn’t stand out take out those arrow buttons and stick with a solid serif font with color scheme of jamaican flag
and if you are a true yardie as you say you will be able to pic the right colors for highlights and etc.
d- get rid of all deep blue except for common hyperlinks; try using a tree green
Sorry if my comments confused you. What I meant with typography is mostly that the overall feeling gets a bit obstructed by the poor choices of fonts.
Add to that the fact that you have like 9 or 10 different typefaces on the front page … dot dot…
to me the first one has a better flow and seemed to have been designed by someone with a bit more design and layout knowledge than the developer of the second. I may going out on a limb with that presumption but I would be willing to bet that these are not developed by the same person.
And please narrow your font choices down to 1 or 2.
hey thanks guys… yes they were indeed done by two different developers.
However, my problem with the first one is it is a bit dull needs to eb brighter to show some hope. The second one has web 2.0 interface stuff … i suppose the best thing to do is to bring the two in one.
Ya’ll are crazy. The information structure on 1 is a better, but it’s visually ghastly. 2 is skimpy infowise & has an iffy banner, but is much much easier on the eye. jaevion4u- slap the look of 2 onto 1’s skeleton and you’re gold.
Oh. You already said that. Cheers