I want to get the best spec for price, though not over spend. HD space is daft, I have a 250HD with 170 (3/4 free)
Biggest I run is DVD, 3dmax, maybe video editting. (I don’t game too much)
For example
£679 Dell: 2.4Quad, 3G-ram, 500HD, 512-Ati
(I suspect this is over kill, but I still like the idea)
£549 Dell: 3.0Dual,3G-ram,320HD,256-Ati (slim line 10cm wide)
(best dual-slim line I could find)
any views?
I have a screen,keyboard and mouse, so if I could just buy a base unit…
I’m happy with 250HD, and use the money I save to have more ram/better processor.
thanks for any input.