New Problem (4th today)

I’m loading external movieclips using the transition tutorial on Kirupa. Everything is working exactly how I want it to, except for one thing. When you click on one of the buttons before the other gets finished the transition doesn’t happen but other scripts on the button do happen, and this causes an unwanted effect of things loading out of order etc.

Does that makes sense?

Is there any way I can make sure nothing runs till the script I want to run…runs first? (keep in mind this is all within a “complex button”)

Here is the code:

[COLOR=red]//this is the transition effect between external MC's(.swfs) 
that is supposed to run first[/COLOR] 
on (release) {
  if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
  _root.currMovie = "interactive_nav";
 } else if (_root.currMovie != "interactive_nav") {
  if (_parent.sub_nav._currentframe >= _parent.sub_nav.midframe) {
   _root.currMovie = "interactive_nav";;
[COLOR=red]//this is what is supposed to run after the above 
script...but if you press the button before the previous 
external MC(.swf) is done loading this is what runs and 
the above script never runs...
[/COLOR]      function Go(frame){
       var myInterval = setInterval(Go, 1000, 228);