Well my name has been radioxromance online fer a bit now, but for some people I guess it’s confusing. The radio is cause I like music, ditto the romance, the x means I’m edge. But I was thinking I should change my name… especially now that I got a GMail invite! w00t! heh…
So I was thinking maybe I would ask you guys for some suggestions. I am pretty sure that how the invites work is when I get my account I end up there a lot, and then eventually get an invite to give out. So, that’s the prize: if I like your idea(s) and then get an invite, I won’t forget you. But, I think most of us probably have em now anyway haha since I got one
Anyway, I really like:
movies/games/television (think anime and cartoons)
music (guitar sing play listen)
girls haha, sad but true its in my top three
So, I most likely won’t even use anything, but maybe I’ll get an invite and still like what you wrote. Humour is good. Sorry I can’t gaurantee the invite, I would love to give em out myself! So any suggestions?