New sound on frames (actionscript)

I have been working on a flash animation that plays different sound files on each frame. (Either in the main timeline or in a separate movie clip).

I was hoping that would work:

if (caps._currentframe == 1) {
	speech.loadSound("track1.mp3", true);
else if (caps._currentframe == 2) {
	speech.loadSound("track2.mp3", true);
else if (caps._currentframe == 3) {
	speech.loadSound("track3.mp3", true);

However, only the first file plays - since it’s on the first frame. When tracing _currentframe, only the first frame is traced. I got next and back buttons that user clicks to move to the different frames.

PSEUDO code of what I want (all in the 1st actionscript frame)
If this frame = 1, play sound 1;
If this frame = 2, play sound 2;
if this frame = 3, play sound 3;

By having all of these in the first frame, I can more easily (I hope) do a pause/mute button. And the code will all be in one place instead of scattered across different MCs and frames.

I can just attach the sound file to the different key frame and it works fine. Or use actionscript on each key frame and it works ok. However, turning allowing the user to turn the sound OFF isn’t working well (it “unmutes” in every frame).
Again, my goal is to control all sounds from the 1 keyframe.

Thank you in advance.