i was just screwing around with ps and i made some random lines and stuff and did a couple filters to it and then applied one of my own spiffy little styles to it and i got this texture… if anyone has a good idea i could use this on tell me… cuz i think its pretty cool
I have no idea how to use it but its cool!
wow… you guys had a lot to say… well heres what i made with it… its kinda dumb but thats what u get for workin on some random thing for 20 mins… a little more time and it could be almost cool… ok probably not but its ok i guess
nice ! I like the smokey-thingy going trough the holey-thingy!(-:
lol thanks
The first one looks like jelly beans and the second looks like um…something…(-:
the 2nd one show potential. otherwise like a concrete thing…
ya wanna see potential? ill show you potential… oh wait, never mind, that would require skill anyways… that was just some random crap i made in a few mins… it wasnt supposed to be all super amazing it was just supposed to entertain me and i smell kinda bad