did this in photoshop. i think about 6 images used, time was about 2 hours or something like that. comments are welcome
This is a nice one, i’ve never seen something like it before, it caught my attention, =) the longer i look at it, the more confused i get, never seen something like this before. Nice piece =) Do you have more like it?
glad you enjoyed looking at it. i dont really have any more like it, although pretty much everything i’ve done recently art-wise has been absract, like with blending and color contrast changes and stuff like that. If i can dig up some stuff i post it though.
Really good and nice colors - the only thing that bugs me is the windmill which ends sort of abruptly (borders)
yeah, the cutoff on the right was a tree, but somehow it got cutoff. and i’ll try to get rid of the sharp borders.
Replode this picture is so amazing. I saw it on Deviant Art last night. This is the best thing I’ve ever seen you make, seriously, it kicks so much arse. Great job.
thanks. yeah, you saw it on DA about 2 minutes after i put it up
I’m a good little stalker. :love:
I love the colors. It original yet mainstream somehow. Good job.