New Thinkpoint Redesign

*Hey all. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything on this board. But here goes!

I’ve done two major revision to Thinkpoint and neither have I posted here haha… the most recent version is currently online on my domain, and I think it sucks. And I never even got around to finish it, as you would instantly notice by going to the About page haha… Anyway, I felt that I needed to move in a different direction, albeit one that was more “clean” and a lot more simple. And so, I’ve come up with this design.

At this time, I’m aiming to make two different colors available for the user to pick. I think the black looks the best, but I’m trying to get away from all the dark designs I’ve been doing.
Frontpage - Dark
Frontpage - Light color
Portfolio Section - Dark
[URL=“”]Frontpage - With dotted lines… I don’t think it works too well.

Please give me some suggestions on where I can improve on this design! I’d like this design to last awhile before I think it starts to look ugly.*
UPDATE 11/17/07 - I’ve finally finished coding and putting Wordpress onto this new design…

**Everything went well except for one thing… For some reason the Wordpress PHP code screws with my Javascript theme switcher… IE, in my just vanilla coded page
The Theme switcher works just fine. However, I wasn’t able to implement in the Wordpress version… Anyway, my new portfolio is up at Obviously, not all of the content is there yet… The blog part is very unfinished content wise. Otherwise, everything should be there. Please give some more advice on some things I can touch up on, or bugs that occur with the site.

Eric Huang