New to flash having problems with navigation


I am new to flash and this is my firt post. I am working on a new site I have built a flash navigation bar which works but for some reason it keeps reloading the diary1.php page and I dont understand why. When i click on other pages it loads up the page but then reloads the diary1.php page.

Anyone know why this is happening? I have uploaded the fla file @ if anyone would like to have a look and see where i am going wrong.



checked it on-line and works just fine…
no reloads…
weird isn’t it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Opps gave you the wrong Url

Howdy and Welcome…

You are missing very imporatnt command right after you used getURL() function…


Just put in on the second line… :wink:

I have placed a stop command after the get url but it is still reloading the diary1.php page repeatedly. I have attached my .fla file. Still cant figure out where i am going wrong.


Not a single clue… :frowning:

answer is even simplier then you think…

just remove command getURL from main timeline and put there stop() command… :wink:

that;s all

Um… I thought that he wants that PHP page loaded initially ONCE… and he needs getURL() function to do that…

in that case it should have worked…
he pasted stop() into buttons i presume…

Yup… I know, but it does the same thing when I added stop() right after the getURL() in the main timeline… :frowning:
My only bet is to see if there is any meta tag or something that refreshes the screen in every second or something… :frowning:

nope! i think, that he should add another layer called actions and add 2nd keyframe…
in 1st frame getURL action, in 2nd - stop();

should work just fine