I am new to flash and this is my firt post. I am working on a new site http://www.leeardern.com/~turbo I have built a flash navigation bar which works but for some reason it keeps reloading the diary1.php page and I dont understand why. When i click on other pages it loads up the page but then reloads the diary1.php page.
Anyone know why this is happening? I have uploaded the fla file @ http://www.leeardern.com/~turbo/nav.fla if anyone would like to have a look and see where i am going wrong.
I have placed a stop command after the get url but it is still reloading the diary1.php page repeatedly. I have attached my .fla file. Still cant figure out where i am going wrong.
Yup… I know, but it does the same thing when I added stop() right after the getURL() in the main timeline…
My only bet is to see if there is any meta tag or something that refreshes the screen in every second or something…