New to flash, need help with buttons following an animation?

Hi this is probably a really stupid question but I’ve just started to use Flash and unsuprisingly I have become stuck. I’ve had a look through the tutorials but either I don’t know what I’m looking for or its just not there.

Anyway I have created a simple animation and after the animation I want the image to turn into a button - I seem to have done that but whenever I view the animation it just keeps looping and you get to see the button for a millisecond before starting the animation again. I saved it as an .swf to see if it just looped in the preview mode but it still loops? I’m sure there is a really simple soloution but as I say I’m totally new to this.

Also how to you get the buttons in flash to link to another animation - for example if you click the button it plays an .swf file? (…and stops at the end without looping!)

Thank you for any helo you can give,


JUst put a stop in the last frame of ur main screen…Double click on the frame and then put stop();

I think that will work

Thats great thank you so much!

Do you know how to get the buttons to link to other files or even other frames along the time line?

There are many things you can link to so what exactly do you want it to link to?

If you want it to link to another html page then use something like this:

on (release) {

If you want it to go to another frame then use something like this:

on (release) {

There are other setups as well so you’ll have to be more specific.

You’ve been very helpful thank you! I’ve managed to do exactly what I set out to do.

By the way it was linking to another frame so the AS you provided worked perfectly!

Thank you again!:thumb:

No problem and welcome to the forum. =)