So my brother and I often revert to being 12 year old and make silly bets with eachother. We have yet to actually play one out, but I think it would be a fun website to have our bets put online. Then other people can bet on who they think will win.
Most of our bets include some sort of rediculous amount of food eating. Example:
We were at the grocery store and I wagered a bet that my brother couldn’t eat the entire pastry case in 2 hours. That was about 5-6 cakes and a dozen donuts or so. Sometimes I think I could pull this off, but I might give myself diabetes or a clogged artery in a single sitting.
Another example was eating 5 bags of Reeses Bites in 5 minutes. Just to give a little more info for those who don’t know the candy. That would be about 960 grams of sugar and about 4,000 calories.
What you think? Would you bet? We would take lots of photos of the bet and video tape the thing and put it online.
or get thise canister that photo films come in the little black ones and do 100 of those containing beer in 100 mins. rules are can’t start one before the minute starts and must finish before the minute ends.
I like ridiculous bets with stupid wagers, for example:
I bet 3 stale jelly doughnuts that you couldn’t light a blue angel!
(strangely enough, I lost that bet) or
7 jugs of lama milk says that you can’t get that girl to slap you in under 3 minutes
(I lost that one too).
my friends and i have been trying to figure out if it would be humanly possible to consume 10,000 calories and then run a 10k directly after eating all of it. i think you would have to eat butter or something for it happen.