NEW WEWBSITE made but one thing wont work

Hello all,

This is the second website i have made in flash, but i have a problem with my member page, I am trying to get a button called Dunkyb123_btn in a movie clip called MembersBackground_mc to change the infomation in a movie clip called ClanMember_mc.

Sounds easy but i cannot figure it out.

My files can be view here

If you are looking at my file’s this is what is supposed to happen, when you click on a members button on the left hand menu this will change the infomation in the Clan Member infomation movie in the enter of the stage.

Please help i have been trying to solve this for a few day’s but i am having no joy. :trout:

I am using this script under Dunkyb123_btn

Dunkyb123_btn.onRelease = function () {

Any help is very welcomed.

