Hallo all of you guys,
This is my first thread, i need help for my gallery.
First of all i tried to to this project after i saw a wonderful example on a site. It has for me a goodlooking aspect but is a little bit incomplete for my purpose.
In fact, as u can see in the source the gallery load Thumbnails and a Big image, but it doesn’t display a caption.
I think i need an help to builth a good xml file and the actionscript to parse well.
If u can help me to load in a correct way also the thumbnails i’ll be grateful for all the life!!
Thank u in advanced
[URL=“http://damianocali.com/kirupa/gallery_mine.zip”]DOWNLOAD FILE HERE
I’ve posted this thread also in Flash MX 2004, but it has been made in Flash 8 and publish in MX…