wow. The amount of cops out right now is absolutely amazing!
At the jewelry store where i work, they are allowing no parking at all. They are searching cars with dogs also. I just got followed by a police officer for about a half a mile. He was punching in my license plate number into his computer.
Around here you cant got about 1 mile with out seeing a cop which is nice because I don’t feel like getting my car cracked up by a drunk driver when coming home from work at 12.
What is your town or city doing to prepare for tonight?
The drunkards are too much for the Police around here… So typically you’ll find a police man at a party along with the drunkards!
Nice thing about the local area though is that we don’t have major crime problems here… And when we do… Everyone participates to beat the criminal down :bad:
*Originally posted by Alex *
**I just got followed by a police officer for about a half a mile. He was punching in my license plate number into his computer. **
Oh, that was actually my fault, I tipped off your local authorities to make sure you didn’t attract too much havoc around your vehicle.
the entire fleet of the florida highway patrol is out on the interstate throughout florida…
locally, all uniformed fhp personnel even the brass at state hq are out patrolling, not to mention citywide checks, and stops by the police and sheriffs.
Alex sez::…I just got followed by a police officer for about a half a mile…
that’s because your reputation behind the wheel has spread … they just know that the terrorists will chase after You first :beam: … expect to see them in your mirror off and on all night
Who honestly think’s that someone is going to fly a plane or something into the ball at time’s square? I agree with ahmed.
My friend had a susgestion after the blackout a few months ago:
You know, if they were to turn of time’s square for one day, you would save one hella massive amout of power. I’m willing to bet at least half of all power generated on the grid goes there. ****, we would never blackout again!
Lets see, where I live - nothing to evident has happened, but then again, I haven’t been outside in a few days. (Not kidding)