Newb question please help

So I have a class called Player that extends Movieclip

why wont my code to attach a movie clip work?

import GAME_CLASSES.*;
Player1 = new Player()
Player1.attachMovie( "MainChar" , "Character1", 75)
Player1._x = 100
Player1._y = 100

I have the Identifier for the movie clip i want to attach set to “MainChar” , the instance that appears on stage should be called “Character1”

arggg… I tried just this to see if i could get it

 Player1 = new MovieClip()
 Player1.attachMovie( "MainChar" , "Character1", 75)
 Player1._x = 100
 Player1._y = 100

and it still wont work im obviously missing a key concept to atachMovie

Player1 is a MC that exists on the stage or you are trying to create it?

If your Player1 MC don´t exist that´s the reason why it don´t works, because you are trying to attach a clip inside it.

Try this:

this.createEmptyMovieClip("Player1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
Player1.attachMovie( "MainChar" , "Character1", 75)
Player1._x = 100
Player1._y = 100

yeah at the start of the clip the stage is totally blank
alright ill try that

would i still initalize player1

Player1 = new Player() 
this.createEmptyMovieClip("Player1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
Player1.attachMovie( "MainChar" , "Character1", 75)
Player1._x = 100
Player1._y = 100