Newb question

hey, i have a newbie question… i have a link in my flash movie… how do i hety it to load in a new window? right now it is replacing my page…


getURL("", "_blank");



no problem =)

You should check out this tut:

All of my first Flash sites’ links go to “_blank”, I wish I knew about this before. You can open your windows in customized windows. I think it makes flash sites look cleaner.


i saw that tutorial… couldnt figure it out… didnt work on my movie… i’m not very good at code (just ask anyone who helped me get my stupid footer on here) i’m more of a “copy actionscript from tutorials and change it a bit to suit my own needs” kind of guy… i dont actually understand any of it…

Ahh, I see. I was in your shoes once - not too long ago either. Good luck to you!