Newbie mysql php data extraction question

So I have two places on my page where I want to print out a list of items…

The first list prints but the second one won’t, what gives?

Here’s my code at the top of the file:

<?     include("inc/header.php"); 
    dbConnect(); $qa_sql = "SELECT * FROM catalyst_course WHERE status ='1'"; 
    $qa = mysql_query($qa_sql); 

And here are the two lists I want to create:

List One

            while ($qa_row = mysql_fetch_array($qa, MYSQL_BOTH)) 
             &bull; <a href="#"><? print ($qa_row['title']); ?></a><br>


List Two

    while ($qa_row = mysql_fetch_array($qa, MYSQL_BOTH)) 
    <div id="cReg">

            <div id="cRegTxt"><? print ($qa_row['title']); ?></div>
            <div id="cRegBtnCc">
                <div id="cRegBtn"><a href="inc/regForm.php?id=<? print ($qa_row['id']); ?>" >
        <div id="cRegContent">
            <? print ($qa_row['body']); ?></div>
        <div id="cRegFooter"></div>

So I’m basically just calling that query twice on the same page, the first time to create a list of items at the top of the page to create a list of anchor links to jump futher down into the page…

The anchor list will print but the other identical list won’t, what am I doing wrong? Thanks so much in advance!