Newbie need some help

I have a movie and when I click on the button it loads a new movie .swf onto the main timeline on level 1 - that’s good, my problem is…

I want to click on the button of the movie just loaded, unload the movie (thats fine), and then make it go to a frame number or lable of the main time line and play on load …

Is this possible…

Thanks Andy

This really belongs in the Flash MX Forum. I’m going to move it over…

Thanks Sorry…

No probs. :slight_smile: You’re more likely to get an asnwer quickly if the post is in this area. :slight_smile:

Thanks Kit… Its all very new - will people help me out on this one, I was play around last night for hours trying to get it to work…

Cheers Andy

I’m sure people will answer. :slight_smile:

I’ll have a look at it myself, in fact. Quick query though. Which movie are you unloading on the button click?


Its the second one … not sure if I am explaining it very well

I have one the main timeline runing which has a button.

I click on it which loads a movie .swf file that movie runs and also has a button … when you click the button of this loaded movie I want it to unload the movie from the level which is one and move to a frame number 65 and play from there…

does this help… Cheers Andy

OK, with you now. :slight_smile:

So when you unload that second movie, whereabouts does the original return to? The same place you left off?

If that’s the case, then you could use a flag of some kind, to determine whether or not the second movie has been unloaded, and if that’s true, gotoAndPlay frame 65…

Kit … yes the same place is the location it returns to…

Ok … what is a flag … could you show me some code for this

Cheers Andy

Flag… Just another term for a variable. :slight_smile:

This one, you set it in your original movie to be 0 to start with, so like: [AS]movieflag = 0;[/AS] Now, the code for the button should have your loadMovie statement inside, as well as this: [AS]on (release) {
movieflag = 1;
loadMovieNum(“yourMovie”, 1);
} [/AS] Then the new movie will load, play and close. When it closes and returns to the original, you’ll need to test for the contents of the movieflag. So Just add a conditional if statement to check it inside and onEnterFrame() event handler.

Kit … Ok

I will test it out this evening see if I can get it to work - but thanks most of all for your time and help on this

your a star… Cheers Andy

Eh, no probs. That’s what we’re all here for. :beam: