Newbie needs advice on a method to choose

Hi everybody,

I’m working on the “soon” page of my first site and I was just wondering if I was on the good direction on the “how-to”, if I was making the good choices.

The page consists in one frame .fla
Two buttons, one goes to a video page that shows 2 demo reel (one slow, one fast), and one that sends me a mail.

If you don’t understand what I mean I joined a rough fla and a swf.

I want to do it the more AS3 possible without keyframes.

Till now I made an animation on as3 between the two pages and now I’m working on the player .
I made my own (graphically I mean) and I don’t want to use flv playback but netstream and netconnection.
For this one i don’t want to use an XML because there are only 2 videos, so I prefer a button to play them.

So please could you have a look at my rough fla and tell me if what I want to do is possible this way or should I use another method.
