Hey there,
Having a bit of a problem with php. I’m a novice, but dutifully followed the tutorial at http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_email.htm and I got it working, i.e. the email sends, but it only recognises the last field on the form. However, I know that the php isn’t right regarding the $message parts. I added more fields in the flash email form, whereas in the tutorial there was only one. If anybody could tell me how to alter the php to make the form work, I’d be eternally grateful.
Here is the php I’m using.
$sendTo = “rachaelwilson2003@yahoo.co.uk”;
$subject = “Golf Course Booking Form - Travel Time Site”;
$headers = "From: " . $_POST[“leadName”];
$headers .= “<” . $_POST[“fromEmail”] . ">
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST[“FromEmail”] . "
$headers .= "Return-Path: " . $_POST[“fromEmail”];
$message = $_POST[“whichPackage”];
$message = $_POST[“howManyPeople”];
$message = $_POST[“anyNonGolfers”];
$message = $_POST[“carHire”];
$message = $_POST[“transferTransport”];
$message = $_POST[“golfBuggies”];
$message = $_POST[“totalPackage”];
$message = $_POST[“golfCoursesOnly”];
$message = $_POST[“specialRequirements”];
$message = $_POST[“fromEmail”];
$message = $_POST[“fromNumber”];
$message = $_POST[“leadName”];
$message = $_POST[“leadAddress”];
$message = $_POST[“numberInParty”];
$message = $_POST[“partyNames”];
$message = $_POST[“arrivalDate”];
$message = $_POST[“arrivalAirportUk”];
$message = $_POST[“arrivalAirportIreland”];
$message = $_POST[“departureDate”];
$message = $_POST[“departureAirportIreland”];
$message = $_POST[“departureAirportUk”];
$message = $_POST[“comments”];
mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);
Please use small words, my brain is scrambled from getting this far!
Many thanks