I have 20 frames on a timeline, and a mc in the frames.
frame 1 the mc is _alpha 0%, at frame 20 the _alpha is 100%. A tween between the frames fades up the mc alpha.
How can I change the frame 20 _alpha setting from outside the swf file?
Say I need the alpha to be 60% at frame 20 BUT I can’t open up the FLA, can I adjust the Alpha setting (using Loadvars perhaps) without going back into the FLA? I won’t have access to the FLA (when the file is online) and I want to be able to manipulate the frame 20 _alpha setting.
I have tried doing this totally in actionscript and not using the timeline, but if I can’t get that to work I will need to be able to adjust the alpha parameter without editing the FLA.
Thanks, NosferatuD2