Newbie to PHP Flash MX 2004 Integration

Hi all,

I’ve been working on:

Unlike other recent posters, I can’t even get past the first page! :blush:
I have PHP and MySQL set up on a remote server, tested and working. I know a bit about AS, PHP, MySQL.

I have a SWF with a single mc on the stage. The mc contains a single dynamic text field. The dynamic text field variable is named myVar. Attached to the mc is this:

onClipEvent (load) 
 loadVariables("[http://blahblahblah/title.php](http://blahblahblah/title.php)", this, "GET");

I’ve uploaded this SWF and the HTML container to the server. I also uploaded title.php with:

$x = "abc";
print $x;
print "myVar=$x";

So, I figure when I visit the page, I should get “abc” printed out. Instead I get this printed out:


Baffled! Any help appreciated. :slight_smile:

I had the same probleme when i tried to do that tutorial but what i tried to get it to work was

onClipEvent (load) {
	loadVariables("phppage.php", this, "GET");

i just took out the whole site url and put the relative url

Thank you for the reply blakely3. :slight_smile: I changed my URL to relative in the onClipEvent (load), cleared my browser cache and re-uploaded the files, but unfortunately I get the same result as before.

Still having trouble with this one.
