Newbie to this wonderful program

well folks this is my first post and my first hour of using flash :nerd: after going threw some flash MX movie tutorials i have come across 2 questions. so here it goes, First question would be how do u create a button that says “Enter Here” etc. but when u click it it brings up a chosen webpage? second question. after reviewing some of the tutorials i have noticed everything has been done for u “Title, Background, Logo etc” when u access them from the libary. My question is, how do u create your own, how do u get them to show up in the libary menu to be chosen and how do u do special things like the video tabs etc. thanks folks step by step instructions would be wonderful :esmirk:

Welcome (fresh meat)…:stuck_out_tongue:
Be cautious, this forum is addicting…

  1. (getURL) - When you make your button the way you want it, select it so it is outlined in blue, right click on it and go to ‘actions’. There you would put this to open a new browser window:
    getURL(“”, “_blank”);
    _blank is the target (just like HTML)

2.Usually, if I don’t create my graphics in flash (vector graphics) then I use Photoshop and even sometimes paint (bitmap). I save the file as a jpeg, gif, or png onto the harddrive. Then in Flash, you go to File>Import To Library. You’ll get access to your harddrive and click to open stuff. You will do this with anything you want in the library - sound, graphics and video.

  1. What are video tabs?

Hope that helps!!

ok video tabs is somthen they did in the tutorial where if u clicked on it (in ur website) this movie player would move over and show u the movie. Ill give u the link of what i have done so far. second quesytion how do u put the sound into the layer? ive made a new layer called it sound and imported the sound but what do u do from there? hehe thanks

my dad is a tech person for my moms company, he goes around and advertises/ teaches how to submit loans etc threw my moms company software. He does know now computers all that well and he has seen these flash things and has offered to pay me to make them for him. This is basicaly the type of thing he wants javascript:launch(240,147,‘’,3,’#000000’)

With the ‘video tab’ thing. If you have a link to a .mpg file, when the users’ windows have the media player on the left and the users’ mime types are set to use that particular media player, it should open automatically.

To put sound in a layer (easiest way);
Go to the keyframe of the layer labeled ‘sound’ in the timeline, mouse over to your library and click on the sound that you want in there, DRAG the sound over to the stage and drop it anywhere. Nothing will show up in the stage, but in your timeline, there should be a blue soundwave. There ya go!!

I looked at the link:
I had to disect the link from the javascript in your post. That needs the javascript in the current webpage to work (so you know, future ref); It just looks like tweens and music. I don’t think you’ll have much of a problem making something like that.

Good luck!!(-: