Newbie Variable Question


I am new to flash -it’s fun and over teh klast week i have learnt heaps. But now I have foud somethign I can’t find an answer too.

I need to create a variable and declare it (I presume you need to declare in Flash?)

Basiclay my buttons on the site will link to lots of different movie clips which contain content for each button. For example teh About button will tell the about MC to play.

For my transitions though each MC has a beginning, middle and end seqence so i wangt to create a varibale that goes something like this.

I am wriing in my crazy logic not actions cript. “MyCurrentMC” is my intended variable and is the name of a movioe clip (instance?)

On Button Press
Tell target “MyCurrentMC”
Goto and play frame 10 // This is the end sequence which fades out and returns to frame 1 and stops.
“MyCurrentMC” = xxx // xxx is the name of the movie clip that should be played with this button
Tell Target “MyCurrentMC”
Gogto and Play frame 2 //This will start the into sequence of this buttons movie cip.

That way I can use the MyCurrentMC variable to end that movioe even when the user clicks a differnt button ;D

It took me a whole day just to figure that out so I ghoep it works.

Anywa - if anyone is clever enough to understand what i am jobbering on about, how do i declare that variable? I am unsure if I need to put an action in the mauin movie or what?

Thanks in advance
