No Ones Replying!

I just sent in a question and no ones replying. I see other peoples questions after mine being answered but not mine. Why is that so?!!!

That’s strange, do you think it could possibly be your attitude that is preventing people from answering your question?

This is sure strange…

Your right EG this surely is strange. Maybe if you had patience it will be answered.

it had only been like 2 hours when u posted this thread… could it possibly have been that no one who knew the answer was on? attitude thing as well…

HURRAY! I asked the magic 8 ball if I was fat. And it said “not likely” It really is magic! On another note I got a pool table last week. Anyone for a game?

yo yeah ppl dont normaly answer question if u run around the forum scream answer it. most ppl just go yeah watever u penis! and then say its attitude like these guys have sed so if no 1 answers it just post the same questin the next day and maybe sum 1 answer then if not try a diffrent forum cos maybe no 1 knows the answer

p.s the magic 8 ball rules. i asked it if it was gay and it sed not in a million years pal lol i cudnt stop laughin hehehe.

ne ways peace out

Maybe its not so magic after all. Just kidding :slight_smile:

i wish i had a quick ban button, who do you have to sleep with around here to get one?

*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
**i wish i had a quick ban button, who do you have to sleep with around here to get one? **

I believe that person is Phil.