Nodejs - forEach(function) - newbie question


I have a mysql database table called MASTER which have around 10 columns - with the field ‘TS’ being a primary key. I want to write a function wherein three fields - TS, MWP & LTP - from every row are retrieved from the table and stored as a variable “tmpAnalysis” - based on which some rules are run.

The below code is generating only the first row from the MASTER table - I want it to run for each row. What should I be doing?


funcE = function (MasterGet) {
	var countCheckRule = 0;
	var countCheckedRule = 0;
	var tmpAnalysis = {};
	rules.rule12(tmpAnalysis, function (_tmpAnalysis) {
		tmpAnalysis = _tmpAnalysis;
	news.analysis = tmpAnalysis;
	connection.query('SELECT * FROM MASTER', function selectCb(error, results, fields) {
		if (error) {
			console.log('402-GetData Error: ' + error.message);
		if (results.length > 0) {
			results.forEach(function (value) {
				var firstResult = results[0];
				console.log('403-funcE from firstresult TS: ' + firstResult['TS'] + 'MWP: ' + firstResult['MWP'] + 'LTP: ' + firstResult['LTP']);
				news.Master = firstResult;
				io.emit('news', news);
				var TS = firstResult['TS'];
				var MWP = firstResult['MWP'];
				var LTP = firstResult['LTP'];
				rules.checRules(firstResult, myhttp, function (rules_res) {
					console.log('404-Rules check triggered');
					firstResult.rules = rules_res;
	console.log('405-funcE ends - funcA called');

You should be using the variable value instead of using results[0] in the forEach function.