NONE of the Flash embed methods working right with IE (activeX problems)

:mad: :mad: :mad:
First, let me say I’m relatively new to this. I’ve been learning Flash CS for a few months now and just started on XHTML/CSS. So, until now I’ve been using the default Flash generate embed tags and testing in Firefox.

Seems that no one likes the default Flash embed tag - I can barely read the code it generates and don’t know how to use it to include alternate content. So, I decided to change it to one of the methods listed here:

Well, they all work fine in Firefox - however, I cannot get a SINGLE one to work correctly in IE7. No matter what, I get the ActiveX drop-down asking me to activate the content before it works. Even the most “popular” ones: SWFObject, UFO and SWFFix/SWFObject 2.0 aren’t working. The Dreamweaver generated embed fails as well. But - surprise, surprise - the original Flash generated tag actually works in IE.

I’m not sure how to proceed - I can leave all my embeds in the original Flash generated format and not worry about it, but I’d prefer to use standard/valid code, be able to provide alternative content for people who don’t like or have Flash for some reason and to use an embed I actually understand and can write/edit on my own.

I actually uninstalled Flash and IE from my system, then reinstalled and updated and still, same problem.

Any suggestions? Anyone have the same problem? What method have you found to work best? I’m not including the code here assuming that you guys are familiar with it already - but I can post it if needed.