Noob needs help preloading embedded flv

Hi guys,

I was looking this tutorial about preloading and applying transitions on external swf files ( Based on that I was planning to build my new web-site using the following structure: a main root swf file which will load an external swf file for each section of the site. However, the first file that the main swf will load has 600kb(!), ´cause it has got an embedded flv file (For the record, I can not stream the flv cause I need it to loop seamlessly). So, here is what I want to do: the main root swf will have a menu in which the user will choose between the site´s full version (with the embedded video) and the light version (without the video). BUT, as the user decides, the swf with the embedded video will be already preloading! Thus, if the user chooses the full version, the swf with the video will be already half way loaded, saving precious seconds…

Can any of you guys give me a hint on how to adapt the code given in the original tutorial to make this work?