Firstly Hello to all.
I’m hoping you can help me out with an issue I’ve had for a week or so now.
I have mad a simple ‘move to mouse’ movie which I intend to use as a kind of rollover for a nav menu. The following script from the Kirupa tutorial does this well:
onClipEvent (load) {
_y = 0;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
endY = _root._ymouse;
_y += (endY-_y)/speed;
However the problems start when I use this Nav movie in the main site movie. As you have probably guessed, the mouse over then uses the x and y co-ordinates from the _root movie. What I really want to happen is for the above script only to apply to the Nav movie, and nothing else. An example of what I am trying to achieve can been seen here: [color=#003366][/color].
See how the mouse over in the Nav bar is restricted to the nav bar only.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Like I say, I am new to this. I have had numerous attempts, but can’t get the syntax right!