Noob preloader issues

i am a complete noob to flash and as3 - couple of days ago i didnt even know actionscript existed. a client wanted me to make a web presentation of an apartment building which i designed - something for the potential buyers to browse. ok, so i opened flash for the first time and did this in flash using as3 because that was the default option when i opened flash and i didnt know any better. so my flash file is in as3.

now, the very first page that you see - the one where you choose your screen resolution - is pure html and it turns to the two distinct htmls in which the flash movies are embedded. for each resolution version, i have made a separate flash file (because i didnt like any of the results i got when tried to simply scale down from 1024 to 800). so i have the htmls and the swfs that they call for. thats all.

i have tried and browsed and tutorialled myself silly for a simple bar preloader (no dynamic text, percents, fancy animations, just a simple bar stretching out to full length). i have found more than enough even on these forums, but none of them does its job. im sure im missing something super simple.

all of the pre-loaders i have tried are displayed only AFTER the whole movie is loaded (sure none of them stretches the bar) - some of them just sit there and dont move on, (even tho i have triple checked that it clearly says after loaded bytes equal complete bytes gotoandplay frame such and such).

i will only have:

  • a rectangle with no fill to indicate the full-size of the loader bar
  • the loader bar stretching from left to right
  • a static text saying the presentation is loading

can somebody give me a couple of idiot-proof tips of freaking what code to use, what to put on the stage, how to publish to html, etc. etc. so that the pre-loader shows WHILE the movie is loading?

yours frustrated,