Noob question

Here is an really noob question. How do a make an object on release to slide down slowly say 30 px on the y axis and, when clicking on it a second time go back up 30 px.
thx guys

Use the on (press) action attached to the movie clip. Inside the brackets, adjust the _y property, for example _root.movieclip._y = _root.movieclip._y -30.

ok but how do i make it slide down not just jump 30 down ?

Well, the object you have should then be a button, ( I called it thisobject here ) with the as:

if (_root.targY == positionminus30){
_root.targY = _root.thisobject._y;
} else {
_root.targY = _root.thisobject._y - 30;

Add another empty movieclip (CTRL+F8), giev it any name and drag it from the library (F11) to the stage (doesn’t matter where). Now apply this code to it:

_root.targY = originalobjectposition;
_root.thisobject._y = _root.targY - (_root.targY - _root.thisobject._y)/1.2;

That should work. I can’t test it though cuz I ain’t got flash here.