Noob trying to understand basic class concepts

i’m new to as3 and attempting to make a simple game using only classes. i have named my flash game “Game.fla”, named my main class “” and named my main document class “Game”. i have a “play game” button on the first frame that i have added an eventlistener for in the main constructor function called “Game”. all the button does is take the user to the second frame where the actual game is encapsulated in an MC that holds the real game and i’ve given the MC a separate class name. all that works ok.

however… when i go back to the first frame, the event listener is gone and the button no longer works. how do i keep that button working without attaching code to that frame? what if i want to make a 3rd frame for the credits or whatever, do i need a separate .as file for every frame? i am used to as2 and having code on each frame that performs the work for each object, and i think i’m missing some key concepts for this class stuff :doh: