Norton systemworks 2005 screenshots

Does anyone tell me where can i find any screenshots of norton systemworks 2005, it has been release a few days ago and just want to know whats the new features of it? it is in stores actually, before i purchase a new one. thanks :puzzled:

Is that the stuff that has been ruining my friend’s computers? He had all of this Norton stuff and it was messing everything he did. (Killing downloads, crashing program installs, etc.)

rotflmao well for starters the only new thing i seen on it so far is the worm detecteor which is now built into it, so it catches viruses and worms now other than that its all the same :-/

yeah it does that… Norton is a great system, but you definitly have to get used to shutting it off during long, complicated downloads (ie you down load one file that will contact host to download another, and… etc), as well as installs that attempt to contact their parent company’s site. You can decrease the frequency that this happens through adjusting the settings, but really you have to get into the habit of shutting down the software before involved downloads/installs.

and dino… why not check out the Norton site for the new features, or possibly going to one of the stores that carry it, and read the box - they usually have screen shots on the back :wink: :sigh: :sigh:


I have it, I can make some screens for you if you want

I didnt get 2004 so not sure exactley which are the new features but it appears that it can now catch adware/spyware/better worm protection as well as the usual viruses.
It also has a built in internet security element just for outgoing/incoming connections which is really annoying!, its why i didnt get NIS2005 guess I can live with it

As well as a few other things there are no ‘major’ changes but if you want to stay uptodate and can get it for a resonable price then go ahead.